The concept of class (category theory)


I have started to give a look at the definition of category, even though I have not started yet to go deep into the study of category theory.
The aspect which gives me trouble is the fact that the building blocks of the definition are so called classes. Since I do not have a strong set-theoretical background, I am lead to think about, e.g., the class of objects as a collection of sets (may them be topological spaces, groups,…), but from what I read on the net a class is not really that.
Do you know how to get around it? Could you explain it or suggest me a reference which leads to the understanding of the concept of class in set theory (even not a too deep one, since I just want to use it to study topics other than set theory)?
Thank you for any help!

Best Answer

Take the category of groups. Its objects are groups, its arrows morphisms between groups. Ok, so how big is this category? Well, how many groups are there? Set-many. As many as there are sets. So, on standard assumptions, too many to form a set.

So we can't say that the category of groups comprises a set of objects (along with a set of the morphisms but let's not worry about them right now).

OK what shall we say? First option: just say that the category of groups comprises groups, plural (and the morphisms).

Second option: say that the category of groups comprises a (proper) class of groups (along with the collection of morphisms) -- where a proper class is a collection too big to be a set.

If you take the second option then further down the road we can wonder about how to handle this notion of classes-which-aren't-sets. But that's really for later. At least at the outset, it is fine to go the first way. In other words just talk of the data of a non-empty category as being the objects (plural, or at least one) and morphisms (plural, or at least one), and forget class talk. Steve Awodey's terrific Category Theory book, for one, goes this way.

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