Algebraic Geometry – Path-Connected Complement of Algebraic Set in Projective Space


I'm studying the marvellous book "Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces" of Rick Miranda and I've found this problem (III.5.Q pag.103). Actually it's not related to Riemann surfaces, but I think it's interesting anyway.

A subset $Z\subseteq \mathbb{P}^n$ is an algebraic set if there is a set of homogeneous polynomials $\{F_{\alpha} \}$ such that $Z=\{p\in \mathbb{P}^n | F_{\alpha}(p) = 0$ for every $\alpha\}$. Here $\mathbb{P}^n$ is the complex projective n-space, i.e. the set of 1-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{C}^{n+1}$.
Show that the complement of an algebraic set in $\mathbb{P}^n$ is path-connected.


  1. Since an algebraic set is an intersection of hypersurfaces, if the proposition above holds for hypersurfaces, a fortiori holds for generic algebraic sets. So, it suffices to prove that the complement of the set of zeroes in $\mathbb{P}^n$ of a homogeneous polynomial $F$ is path-connected.
    Proof. (asked by ronno)
    Assume that the proposition holds for hypersurfaces. Let $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ be two hypersurfaces defined by the zeroes sets in $\mathbb{P^n}$ respectively of $F_1$ and $F_2$ homogeneous polynomials. Since $F_1F_2$ is a homogeneous polynomial, its zeroes in $\mathbb{P^n}$ define a hypersurface $Z_3 = Z_1 \cup Z_2$, so the finite union of hypersurfaces is a hypersurface. Since $\mathbb{P^n} -Z_3 = (\mathbb{P^n}-Z_1) \cap (\mathbb{P^n}-Z_2)$, the intersection of the complements of two hypersurfaces is path-connected. Therefore $(\mathbb{P^n}-Z_1) \cup (\mathbb{P^n}-Z_2)$ is path-connected. Hence the complement of an algebraic set, being union of sets two-by-two path-connected, is path-connected.
  2. The problem is equivalent to say that the open sets in the Zariski topology on $\mathbb{P}^n$ are path-connected.

Thanks for any hint or answer.

Best Answer

Let $x,y\in\Bbb P^n$ be two distinct points. Let $L\cong\Bbb P^1$ be the unique line containing these points. If we can find a path in $L$ which joins $x$ and $y$ while missing $L\cap Z$, then we win - the image of this path in $\Bbb P^n$ will be a path between $x$ and $y$ missing $Z$. But $L\cap Z$ is a proper closed subset of $L$ (since it does not contain $x$ nor $y$) so $L\cap Z\subset L$ is a finite set of points. Since $\Bbb P^1$ in the Euclidean topology is homeomorphic to $S^2$ and $S^2$ minus a finite set of points is path connected, we win.

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