The commutator $[\Delta, \nabla_i]$ of the Laplacian and covariant derivative


Let $\nabla$ be a Riemannian connection, $\Delta$ be the Laplacian defined as $\text{tr}_g \nabla^2$. The equation I want to show is
\Delta\nabla_i f = \nabla_i\Delta f + \sum_{j} Ric_{ij} \nabla_jf

where $Ric$ is the Ricci curvature tensor, $f$ is a smooth function.
The proof my text gives is (they use the convention that basically $g_{ij} = \delta_{ij}$ which I am not using)

\Delta \nabla_i f = \nabla_j\nabla_i\nabla_j f = \nabla_i\nabla_j\nabla_j f – R_{jijk} \nabla_k f

…which I understand 0% about it. My guess is that the first interchange
\Delta\nabla_i f &= \sum_{j,k}g^{jk}\nabla_j\nabla_k\nabla_i f = \sum_{j,k}g^{jk}\nabla_j\nabla_i\nabla_k f

is free since $\nabla_i\nabla_j f = \nabla_j \nabla_if$ and $\nabla$ has no torsion. But what about the second one (i.e. how do we interchange $\nabla_j$ and $\nabla_i$?)

Edit: so I've found and use the Ricci identity for 1-forms

(\nabla_i \nabla_j – \nabla_j \nabla_i) w(\partial_k) = w(R(\partial_j,\partial_i)\partial_k) = \sum_{l} w^l R_{jik}^l

put $w = \nabla f$ says
(\nabla_i \nabla_j – \nabla_j \nabla_i) \nabla f(\partial_k) =
(\nabla_i \nabla_j – \nabla_j \nabla_i) \nabla_k f = \sum_{l} (\nabla f)^l R_{jik}^l

and I don't know how to proceed to get $Ric$.

Best Answer

You're almost there. Using the Einstein summation convention, so that we sum over repeated indices, we have

$$\Delta \nabla_i f = \nabla^j \nabla_j \nabla_i f = \nabla^j \nabla_i \nabla_j f = - R^j{}_i{}^k{}_j \nabla_k f +\nabla_i \nabla^j \nabla_j f = g^{jk} \operatorname{Ric}_{ij} \nabla_k f + \nabla_i \Delta f.$$

The third equality follows from applying the Ricci identity for $1$-forms that you mention in your edit to $\nabla_j f$, and the fourth from the symmetries of the curvature tensor $R$ and the definitions of $\operatorname{Ric}$ and $\Delta$.