The circumradius of an isosceles triangle ABC is four times as that of inradius and A=B condition


The circumradius of an isosceles triangle ABC is four times as that of inradius of the triangle, if A = B. Then

(1) $8 cos^2A – 8cosA + 1 = 0$

(2) $4 cos^2A – 10cosA + 1 = 0$

(3) $cos^2A – cosA – 3 = 0$

(4) $cos^2A – cosA – 8 = 0$

I am trying to use the following approach
$R=\frac{abc}{4A}$, where R is Circum-radius and r is inradius and A is the area of inscribed triangle
$A=rs$ ahre r=inradius and s= semiperimeter

a=a, b=a{ISOSCELES TRIANGLE} & c=c

$A=\frac{c}{2} \sqrt{(a^2-\frac{c^2}{4})}$

















Still not able to get the answer , I presume that I am making a mistake

Best Answer


Using this $$r=R(\cos A+\cos B+\cos C-1)$$

We have

$A=B\implies \cos B=\cos A,\cos C=\cos(\pi-A-A)=-\cos2A$

and $R=4r$

$\implies r=(4r)(\cos A+\cos A-\cos2A-1)$

Hope you can take it home from here?

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