The Basis for Product Toplogy


Hi i am reading Topology by Munkres and having 3 doubts under the section The product Topology at page no 86. There it is written that

The union of the two rectangles pictured in Figure is not a product of two sets so it cannot belong to $\mathcal{B}$ however it is open in $X\times Y$ .

My doubts are as following:

  1. Why is it that the union of two rectangles is not a product of two sets?
    I think what i am asking is why is this $(U_1\times V_1)\ \cup (U_2\times V_2) = (U_1\ \cup U_2)\times (V_1\ \cup V_2)$ not true?
  2. How is that union open in $X\times Y$ ?
  3. Why is this $(U_1\times V_1)\ \cap (U_2\times V_2) = (U_1\cap U_2)\times (V_1\cap V_2)$ true? Is there a rule that applies to intersection but not to union?Or rather which law(like De Morgan's law) are we using?

For reference i am attaching the screenshot where i have highlighted the part.

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

Best Answer

  1. If you pick an element $u\in U_1\setminus U_2$ and $v\in V_2\setminus V_1$, it is clear that $(u,v)$ is in $(U_1\cup U_2)\times(V_1\cup V_2)$ but not in $(U_1\times V_1)\cup(U_2\times V_2)$.

  2. Any union of sets of the basis of a topology is an open set, so this is a direct consequence of the definition of product topology.

  3. A point $(u,v)$ is in $(U_1\times V_1)\ \cap (U_2\times V_2)$ iff it is in $U_1\times V_1$ and in $U_2\times V_2$, that is, if $u$ is in $U_1$ and in $U_2$ and $v$ is in $V_1$ and $V_2$. This is equivalent to saying that $u\in U_1\cap U_2$ and $v\in V_1\cap V_2$, which means that $(u,v)$ is in $(U_1\cap U_2)\times (V_1\cap V_2)$.

You can deduce all these laws regarding products, unions and intersections using just the definitions of these concepts and logic. The only logic laws that have been implicitly used in this reasoning are associativity and commutativity of conjunctions.

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