The area of $ABCD$ parallelogram where $E$ is mid-point of BC and the area of $BEC$ is 126


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$ABCD$ is a parallelogram. Point $E$ divides $BC$ into two equal
lengths. If the area of $BEF$ is 126, what is the area of $ABCD$?

Source: Bangladesh Math Olympiad 2017 Junior Category.

I can not solve this problem. I am confused on the position of $'F'$. There is no information mentioned about it. Is there any lack of information in this question? Can anyone give me a hint?

Best Answer


  1. Consider the area of $\triangle BFC$, which shares the same height with $\triangle BEF$.
  2. Draw an auxiliary line through $F$ parallel to $AB$ to see that the area found in step (1) is actually half of the area of the parallelogram $ABCD$.
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