The area of a right triangle is $2 \sqrt{3}$. Determine its height projected to the hypotenuse if it divides the right angle in a ratio of 1:2.


The area of a right triangle is equal to $2 \sqrt{3}$. Determine its height projected to the hypotenuse if it divides the right angle in a ratio of 1:2.

I don't really understand how to obtain the height projected to the hypotenuse here. I've tried using the formulas $S = \frac12ab$ and $S= \frac12ch_c$ where a and b are the legs, c is the hypotenuse and $h_c$ is the height projected to the hypotenuse. Answer given is $\sqrt3$.

Can anybody help me here?

Best Answer

The altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle divides the triangle into two similar copies of itself. So knowing that the altitude divides the right angle in the ratio $1:2$, we conclude that the right triangle's acute angles are $30^\circ$ and $60^\circ$.

Let $x$ and $x\sqrt3$ represent the lengths of the legs of the right triangle. We know that the area of the triangle is $\frac12\cdot x\cdot x\sqrt 3=2\sqrt3$, so $\frac12 x^2=2$ and thus $x=2$. The hypotenuse of the triangle is therefore $4$ and the height to the hypotenuse is given by $\frac12\cdot 4\cdot h=2\sqrt 3$ or $h=\sqrt3$.