The angle the measure of the angle formed by BC and the straight line that passes through the orthocenter and the circumcenter


For reference: In a triangle ABC; calculate the measure of the angle formed by BC and the straight line that passes through the orthocenter and the circumcenter($\measuredangle OEC=?$)

My progress…
I made the drawing and marked the found angles

H is orthocenter
C is circumcenter

enter image description here

Solutionby MathLover:

enter image description here

Best Answer

We have $ \small \angle ABC = 120^\circ$ in $ \small \triangle ABC$.

As $H$ is the orthocenter, $ \small \angle AHC = 180^\circ - \angle ABC = 60^\circ$. If you are not familiar with this, see the end of the answer where I show it.

$ \therefore \small AOCH$ is a cyclic quadrilateral ($ \small \angle AHC + \angle AOC = 180^\circ$).

So $ \small \angle CHO = \angle CAO = 30^\circ$

$ \small \angle CEO = \angle CHO + \angle HCE = 60^\circ$

If you want to show $ \small \angle AHC = 60^\circ$, note that as $ \small H$ is the orthocenter, $ \small AH$ will be perpendicular to $ \small BC$ so $ \small \angle BAH = 30^\circ$.

Say $ \small \angle ACB = x$. Then,

$ \small \angle GHC = 90^\circ - \angle GCH = 90^\circ - (30^\circ + x) = 60^\circ - x$

$ \small \angle GHA = 90^\circ - \angle GAH = 90^\circ - (60^\circ - x + 30^\circ) = x$

$ \small \angle AHC = \angle GHA + \angle GHC = 60^\circ$