The angle formed by incenter, vertex and circumcenter


In the triangle $\triangle ABC$, $I$ is the incenter, $O$ is the circumcenter. Prove that $\angle ICO=\frac{|\angle A-\angle B|}{2}$.

enter image description here

I found this conclusion in steps of some proof. But I spent a day on it without answer. I used GeoGebra to test it. It was correct. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

I tried to connect $AI,BI$. Assuming $\angle B >\angle A$. I can draw $\angle IBE=\frac{\angle B-\angle A}{2}$. But I do not see how to relate it to the question angle.

enter image description here

@peterwhy solved this question in the comment part and reminded that I need to check the case when the circumcenter is outside of the triangle. So, I used GeoGebra to check that case. During this process, I fixed $B$ and $C$ and let $A$ moving around the circle. I found that the trace of the incenter $F$ is a union of two arcs. By GeoGebra, they are truly two arcs from two circles. I want to ask where are the centers of them and what are radii of these two circles.

enter image description here

Now I know the centers of these two arcs and the radii of them. I post the GeoGebra graph first here:

enter image description here

Because I move the point $A$ along the circumcircle. So its angle is fixed. The angle $\angle CDB=90^\circ+\frac{A}{2}$ after computation. Hence it is also fixed. So its trace will be an arc. This arc has the central angle $180^\circ -A$ and the radius will be the perpendicular bisector $BC$. Therefore the center is, the midpoint of the arc $BC$, $E$ on the circumcircle. The radius is $BE$. With the similar reason, the other arc has the center $F$, the midpoint of the greater arc $CAB$. The radius is $BF$.


Best Answer

$\angle AOC=2\angle B$ $(\angle \text{at centre}=2\angle \text{at circumference})$

$\angle OCA=\angle OAC=90^0-\angle B$ $(\angle's \space \text{are}= \text{opposite}=\text{sides})$

$\angle ICA=\angle ICB=\frac{\angle C}{2}$ (I is the incentre)

$\frac{\angle A}{2}+\frac{\angle B}{2}+\frac{\angle C}{2}=90^0$ (sum of $\angle$'s in $\triangle$)

$\angle OCI = \frac{\angle C}{2}-(90^0-\angle B)=90^0-(\frac{\angle A}{2}+\frac{\angle B}{2})-(90^0-\angle B)=\frac{\angle B}{2}-\frac{\angle A}{2}$

In general,

$\angle OCI =|\frac{\angle A}{2}-\frac{\angle B}{2}|$

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