$\text{Hom}$ functor reflects left/right exactness


  1. Let $M'\xrightarrow{u}M\xrightarrow{v}M''\to 0$ be a sequence of $A$ module homomorphisms. This sequence is exact if and only if for all $A$-module $N$, $0\to\text{Hom}(M'',N)\xrightarrow{v^*}\text{Hom}(M,N)\xrightarrow{u^*}\text{Hom}(M',N)$ is exact.
  2. Let $0\to N'\xrightarrow{u}N\xrightarrow{v} N''$ be a sequence of $A$-modules and homomorphisms. This sequence is exact if and only if for all $A$-modules $M$, the sequence $0\to\text{Hom}(M,N')\xrightarrow{u_*}\text{Hom}(M,N)\xrightarrow{v_*}\text{Hom}(M,N'')$ is exact.
  1. For $(\Leftarrow)$, A&M actually mentioned $v^*$ is injective then $v$ is surjective as an obvious fact. Well, if $f\in\text{Hom}(M'',N)$ such that $f\circ v = 0$ implies $f =0$ so maybe the range of $v$ should be the whole $M''$. But I don't know the exact proof of this.
  2. For $(\Leftarrow)$, same as before, intuitively, if $f\in\text{Hom}(M,N')$ such that $u_*(f) = u\circ f=0$ then $f=0$, maybe $u$ should be injective. But similarly I don't know the exact proof of this. Also, how can I prove $\text{Ker}(v)\subset\text{Im}(u)$? In 1, A&M set $N = M/\text{Im}(u)$ but in this case, I don't know how to set $M$. Could you help?

Note. Most of the proof given in website shows $(\Rightarrow)$ direction which is fairly easy. My question is the reverse direction.

Best Answer

To show the reverse direction for both statements, the idea is we have to choose some special module $N$ in statement 1 and $M$ in statement 2; and map $f$ at some point during the proof.

1/ To show $v$ is surjective, we can consider $N=M''/\text{Im}(v)$ and $f$ the projection map $$M\xrightarrow{v}M''\xrightarrow{f} M''/\text{Im}(v)$$ then $f\circ v = 0$. Since this implies $f=0$, we have that $M''/\text{Im}(v)=0$, i.e, $v$ is surjective. The rest of the proof is from Atiyah & MacDonald.

2/ Similarly, to show $u$ is injective, we can consider $M=\text{Ker}(u)$ and $f$ the inclusion map $$\text{Ker}(u) \xrightarrow{f}N' \xrightarrow{u} N$$ then $u\circ f =0$. Since this implies $f=0$, we have that $\text{Ker}(u)=0$ as desired.

To prove $\text{Im}(u) \subset \text{Ker}(v)$, note that $v_* \circ u_* =0$, i.e, $v \circ u \circ f =0$ for all $M\xrightarrow{f}N'$. Choose $M=N'$ and $f$ the identity map, we have $v\circ u =0$, hence $\text{Im}(u) \subset \text{Ker}(v)$.

Lastly, to show that $\text{Ker}(v)\subset\text{Im}(u)$, choose $M=\text{Ker}(v)$ and $f$ the inclusion map $$\text{Ker}(v) \xrightarrow{f}N \xrightarrow{v} N''$$ Since $v\circ f =0$, we have that $f\in \text{Ker}(v_*)=\text{Im}(u_*)$, hence there is a map $g$ $$ \text{Ker}(v) \xrightarrow{g}N' \xrightarrow{u} N $$ such that $u\circ g =f$. Note that $f$ is the inclusion map so this implies that $\text{Ker}(v)\subset\text{Im}(u)$.

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