Math Contest – Recommended Textbooks Apart from AoPs


I am looking for textbooks on math contests that give the theory associated with the topics
(such as graph theory,geometry,Trig,combinatorics,etc) before giving a large volley of problems to solve(apart from AoPs). I am a high schooler and complete beginner to these.
Is there a textbook that discusses theory as good as Arthur Engel has done for problem solving in the book Problem Solving Strategies?

Best Answer

Here are the books I recommend every mathlete from my personal experience:

Geometry and Trigonometry:

  • Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiads by Evan Chen: This is the most recommended book for Olympiad geometry. The book goes through many important concepts and also gives insights of solving problems.
  • Geometry Revisited by H.S.M Coxeter: An awesome classic. Some IMO medalists still recommend this book above EGMO.
  • Geometry Unbound by Kiran S. Kedlaya: If you've completed all necessary concepts in geometry and want to solve some good problems, this is the book you're looking for.
  • 103 Trigonometry Problems by Titu Andreescu: A good problem book for Olympiad trigonometry.


Functional Equations:


Number Theory:


Problem Solving:

Again, I mention these are my recommendations. Others suggestion may differ from this (you may add your suggestions in the comments). And there might be some books I forgot to include. May your math journey be enjoyable. Happy problem solving!