Textbook reference for ergodicity condition for stationary sequences

ergodic-theoryprobability theoryreference-requeststochastic-processes

In a set of lecture notes, I have the following result:

Theorem. Let $X_n$ be random variables on $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})$ with values in a Polish metric space $S$. Suppose $X = (X_n)_{n \geq 1}$ is a stationary sequence. Then $X$ is ergodic if and only if for any bounded Borel measurable function $g: S^p \to \mathbb{R}$ with $p \geq 1$ an arbitrary integer,
$$\dfrac{1}{n}\sum_{m=0}^{n-1}g(X_{m+1}, \dots, X_{m+p}) \overset{a.s.}{\to} \mathbb{E}[g(X_1, \dots, X_p)]\text{.}$$

Note that $\overset{a.s.}{\to}$ denotes almost sure convergence as $n \to \infty$.

I have been trying to find this result in the 20-30 measure-theoretic probability books I have to no avail, as well as An Introduction to Ergodic Theory by Walters. Does anyone know of a textbook where I can find this result? I would strongly prefer a reference with a proof, but would be willing to take those without as well.

Edit: Adding definitions as requested.

Given $X$ above, it is ergodic if for any invariant set $A \in \mathcal{F}$, $\mathbb{P}(A) \in \{0, 1\}$.

By "invariant set," we say a set $A \in \mathcal{F}$ is invariant with respect to $X$ if for some $B \in \mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^{\infty})$ ($\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^{\infty})$ denoting the Borel $\sigma$-algebra generated by $\mathbb{R}^{\infty}$), $A = \{(X_n, X_{n+1}, X_{n+2}, \dots)\} \in B$ for all $n \geq 1$.

[I suspect that $S^{\infty}$ should be used in place of $\mathbb{R}^{\infty}$ in the above definitions and that $\in$ should be $\subset$, but that's how they are presented in the lecture notes.]

Edit 2: I found this claim in some other sources, though not in great detail. It would be nice to find a textbook.

  • Last sentence of http://www.columbia.edu/~ks20/6712-14/6712-14-Notes-Ergodic.pdf
  • Appendix A of GARCH Models: Structure, Statistical Inference and Financial Applications uses the theorem above as the definition of an ergodic stationary process. This passage cites Billingsley (1995), which I assume is Probability and Measure – but I know that this theorem is not in there.

Best Answer

This result is provided, without proof, as Theorem 5.6(e) of A First Course in Stochastic Processes, 2nd ed., by Karlin and Taylor (1975).

I don't have this book, but Stationary and Related Stochastic Processes: Sample Function Properties and Their Applications by Cramer and Leadbetter (2004) might have some information there. I will edit this post if I find out whether or not this result is mentioned in there.

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