Terminology direction ratios and scalar components of vector


A vector $\vec{r}$ has magnitude 14 and direction ratios $2, 3, –6$. Find the direction cosines and components of $\vec{r}$ , given that $\vec{r}$ makes an acute angle with x-axis.

The solution given in my reference is: $(l,r,m)=\big(\frac{2}{7},\frac{3}{7},\frac{-6}{7}\big)$ and components are $4\hat{i}, 6\hat{j}, -12\hat{k}$

My Doubt
|\vec{r}|=14\neq \sqrt{4+9+36}=7

So, are the terms direction ratios and scalar components not the same ?

My Understanding

where $x=l|\vec{r}|, y=m|\vec{r}|, z=n|\vec{r}|$ are the direction ratios.

Best Answer

We have that

$$\vec r=(r_x,r_y,r_z)=k(2,3,-6)$$


$$|\vec r|=k\sqrt{4+9+36}=7k=14 \implies k=2$$


$$\vec r=(4,6,-12)\implies \frac{\vec r}{|\vec r|}=\left(\frac27,\frac37,-\frac67\right)$$

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