Term for describing the signs/marks placed over a symbol/letter


This is probably a rather simple question but i couldn't find a proper way to google this since I'm just lacking the correct term.

So, we have subscripts $x_1$ and superscripts $x^1$ but how do we call signs that are placed directly on top of the symbols denoting a variable e.g. $\hat{x}$, $\bar{x}$, $\dot{x}$ etc.

My main purpose for this is to form a sentence like: "The [insert word here] of the symbol is denoting [concept]" where I associate a different meaning for each sign/mark above each symbol/letter to represent a certain class within that concept.

Best Answer

Okay, so they are called DIACRITICS in general. This isn't a specifically mathematical term, more of a typographical feature in general. But that's the closest I got to.

As for ^, I was used to calling it a "cap"/"hat". Went online to search for "cap-notation". Found an article on the "exponential" symbol. It was named Caret. So it's called that.

The other two. I call one of them a "bar", i.e. "x-barred" as per your case. Turns out, it's called an Overscore. (I guess I'm waiting for the side-score to finally appear someday...?) Also popular as "Vinculum"... rings bells, eh?

The last one is called a "Tittle". It may also be called a superscript dot, this implying that it's not necessary to have superscripts on the upper corner of a letter.

That's it. Thanks.

Oh the sources!

Tittle aka overhead dot

Overscore aka bar

Caret or the hat or cap or exponential symbol

Diacritics or Accent marks which mostly appear overhead, but can do so below as well.

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