Terence Tao, Analysis I, Ex. 5.4.5: There is a rational between any two reals


Terence Tao, Analysis I, 3e, Exercise 5.4.5:

Prove Proposition 5.4.14. (Hint: use Exercise 5.4.4. You may also need
to argue by contradiction.)

Proposition 5.4.14:

Given any two real numbers $x < y$, we can find a
rational number q such that $x < q < y$.

Exercise 5.4.4:

Show that for any positive real number $x > 0$ there
exists a positive integer $N$ such that $x > 1/N > 0$.

What I've found so far (with the help of this answer, and Pratik Apshinge's comment):

From Exercise 5.4.4, there is a positive real number

$$y – x > 1/N > 0, $$

$$yN – xN > 1, $$

$$yN – 1 > xN.$$

Since there is an integer $m$ between $yN$ and $yN – 1$, we have that

$$yN > m \ge yN – 1 > xN$$

$$yN > m > xN$$

$$y > m/N > x$$

Since $m$ and $N$ are integers, there exists a rational between $y$ and $x$.

But how could a proof by contradiction help in this case?

Best Answer

Why would you want to do it by contradiction? It's easier to do it directly. If $y-x>0$ then there is an integer $N$ such that $y-x>1/N>0$, which means that $Ny-Nx>1$ and this implies that there is an integer $m$ such that $Nx<m<Ny$ and finally that $x<\frac{m}{N}<y$.

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