Abstract Algebra – Tensor Product of Irreducible Representation of sl3


Let $\omega_1$ and $\omega_1$ be fundatmentl weights and $V(\lambda)$ be the unique irreducible representations of highest weight $\lambda$ of $\mathfrak{sl_3}$.

I want to decompose, for $m>n$,
$V(m\omega_1) \otimes V(n\omega_2)$.

I have been given the hint to consider symmetric powers of 'the obvious modules'. I know that $Sym^a(V(\omega_i))=V(a\omega_i)$ but I am not sure how to employ that here as I am not sure how symmetric powers interact with the tensor product.

Best Answer

Question: "I want to decompose, for $m>n$, $V(m\omega_1) \otimes V(n\omega_2)$. I have been given the hint to consider symmetric powers of 'the obvious modules'. I know that $Sym^a(V(\omega_i))=V(a\omega_i)$ but I am not sure how to employ that here as I am not sure how symmetric powers interact with the tensor product."

Comment: Let $\Gamma_{(a,b)} \subseteq Sym^a(V) \otimes Sym^b(\wedge^2 V)$ be the irreducible module on $SL_3$ corresponding to $\lambda:=(a,b)$ for $a,b \geq 0$. It follows $\Gamma_{(0,1)}:=\wedge^2 V$ where $V$ is the "standard representation" of $SL_3$.

You may find this in the Fulton/Harris book:

There is a canonical contraction map

$$i_{a,b}: Sym^a(V) \otimes Sym^b(\wedge^2 V) \rightarrow Sym^{a-1}(V) \otimes Sym^{b-1}(\wedge^2 V)$$

with kernel $\Gamma_{(a,b)}$. Hence there is a direct sum decomposition

$$Sym^a(V) \otimes Sym^b(\wedge^2 V) \cong \Gamma_{(a,b)} \oplus Sym^{a-1}(V) \otimes Sym^{b-1}(\wedge^2 V).$$

Example: In the case of the map from the comments: There is a canonical surjective map

$$i_{2,1}:Sym^2(V) \otimes V^* \rightarrow V$$

defined by

$$i_{2,1}(uv \otimes f):=f(u)v+f(v)u.$$

The kernel $\Gamma_{(2,1)}$ has highest weight vector $e_1^2 \otimes (e_1 \wedge e_2)= e_1^2 \otimes x_3$.

In the book they prove the following general formula:

$$dim(\Gamma_{(a,b)}) = \frac{(a+b+2)(a+1)(b+1)}{2}$$

and this formula implies there is an exact sequence of $SL_3$-modules

$$(*)0 \rightarrow \Gamma_{(a,b)} \rightarrow Sym^a(V) \otimes Sym^b(\wedge^2 V) \rightarrow Sym^{a-1}(V) \otimes Sym^{b-1}(\wedge^2 V) \rightarrow 0 .$$

When you count the dimensions in $(*)$ you get the following:


$$\frac{(a+1)(b+1)}{4}((a+2)(b+2)-ab)= $$

$$\frac{(a+b+2)(a+1)(b+1)}{2} = dim(\Gamma_{(a,b})$$

hence the sequence $(*)$ above is exact (this is exercise 15.19 in the mentioned book).

Question: "How does this apply directly to solve my question? – RickSmith"

Answer: Since $SL_3$ is semi simple it follows any short exact sequence of representations split hence there is by $(*)$ an isomorphism

$$Sym^a(V) \otimes Sym^b(\wedge^2 V) \cong \Gamma_{(a,b)} \oplus Sym^{a-1}(V) \otimes Sym^{b-1}(\wedge^2 V).$$

Your formula follows using an induction.

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