Tensor product and matrix multiplication distributive properties

kronecker productmatrix-calculustensor-productstrace

I am trying to find partial trace of some matrix of the form

$M = (A \otimes B)\times (A^{T*} \otimes B^{T*})$

in which $\otimes$ is tensor product, $\times$ is matrix multiplication, $T*$ is conjugate transpose of the matrix. $A$ and $B$ are vectors (but can be matrices too).

I was wondering if I could use the following relation?

$(A \otimes B)\times (A^{T*} \otimes B^{T*}) = (A \times A^{T*})\otimes (B \times B^{T*})$

It checks out for $A=\left(\begin{matrix} a\\b \end{matrix}\right)$ and $B=\left(\begin{matrix} c\\d \end{matrix}\right)$.

if this relation is general, what about this one (for an arbitrary vectors (or matrices) C and D)

$(A \otimes B)\times (C \otimes D) = (A \times C)\otimes (B \times D)$

although I don't know how to trace this matrix. I would appreciate any help. thank you in advance

Best Answer

Consider matrices $A,B,C,D$ of sizes such that the products $AC$ and $AD$ can be formed. We can use block matrix multiplication to show that $(A\otimes B)\,(C\otimes D)=(AC)\otimes(BD)$.

We will use the notation $A\otimes B = (a_{ij} B)_{ij}$ to denote block matrices, where indices are always supposed to range approriately. Then \begin{align*} (A\otimes B)\,(C\otimes D) &= (a_{ij} B)_{ij}\, (c_{ij} D)_{ij} \\ &= \left(\sum_k (a_{ik} B)(c_{kj} D)\right)_{ij} \\ &= \left( \left(\sum_k a_{ik} c_{kj}\right) BD\right)_{ij.} \end{align*} Note that $\sum_k a_{ik} c_{kj}$ is the $i,j$-th entry of $AC$ so the result is indeed equal to $(AC)\otimes (BD)$.

Since traces of Kronecker products are given as $\operatorname{Tr}(A\otimes B)=\operatorname{Tr}(A) \operatorname{Tr}(B)$, this yields $$ \operatorname{Tr}\left((A\otimes B)\,(C\otimes D)\right) = \operatorname{Tr}(AC) \operatorname{Tr}(BD). $$ In your case that gives $$ \operatorname{Tr}\left((A\otimes B)\,(\overline{A}^T\otimes \overline{B}^T)\right) = \operatorname{Tr}(A\overline{A}^T) \operatorname{Tr}(B\overline{B}^T) = \|A\|_F^2\, \|B\|_F^2, $$ where $\|\cdot\|_F$ denotes the Frobenius norm.

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