Tell statements $(p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r))$ and $(q\Leftrightarrow(r\wedge p))$ apart


I am currently trying to write (and prove) a statement and I am having some trouble figuring out if the statement needs to be of the form
p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r)

or of the form
q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r)

Using truth tables, one can see that see that the truth values of these statements only differ in the following two scenarios (sorry for the quality of the handwritting):

enter image description here

Further, suppose that I can show (or know) that
\neg p\Rightarrow\neg q\quad\text{ (i.e., }q\Rightarrow p\text{)}

Can I then rely on this fact to con conclude that my statement is of the following form?
q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r)

My intuition is that since $\neg p\Rightarrow \neg q$, the fact that $p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r)$ is true when $p$ is false and $q$ is true, the statement $p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r)$ cannot be the form of my statement.

More generally, I guess that my question is: how to tell statements $(p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r))$ and $(q\Leftrightarrow (r\wedge p))$ apart?

Thank you all very much for your time.

Best Answer

I am having some trouble figuring out if the statement needs to be of the form \begin{gather} p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r) \tag1\end{gather} or of the form \begin{gather} q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r)\tag2\end{gather}

Further, suppose that I can show (or know) that \begin{gather} \color{red}{\neg p\Rightarrow\neg q}\quad\text{ (i.e., }q\Rightarrow p\text{)}\tag{*}\end{gather} Can I then rely on this fact to conclude that my statement is of the following form? \begin{gather} q\Leftrightarrow (p\wedge r)\tag2\end{gather}

Here are the relevant facts ($\models$ means logically implies): \begin{align} q↔ (p\wedge r) \quad&\normalsize\models\quad \color{red}{\neg p→\neg q}\\ p→(q↔ r) \quad&\not\normalsize\models\quad \color{red}{\neg p→w\neg q}\\ \color{red}{\neg p→\neg q} \quad&\not\normalsize\models\quad \Big(p→(q↔ r) \quad\text{or}\quad q↔ (p\wedge r) \Big)\\ \color{red}{\neg p→\neg q} \quad&\normalsize\models\quad \Big(p→(q↔ r) \quad\equiv\quad q↔ (p\wedge r) \Big). \end{align}

(The brute-force way to verify these four claims is to replace each entailment or non-entailment symbol with $\to,$ then use a truth table to check whether the conditional is a tautology.)


  • $(*)$ is a necessary condition for statement $(2).$
  • However, $(*)$ is a sufficient condition for neither statement $(1)$ nor statement $(2).$
  • Fortunately, given that $(*)$ is true, statements $(1)$ and $(2)$ are equivalent to each other (i.e., they are both true or both false).

More generally, I guess that my question is: how to tell statements $(p\Rightarrow(q\Leftrightarrow r))$ and $(q\Leftrightarrow (r\wedge p))$ apart?

Your truth table reveals that for the valuation $(p,q,r)=(F,T,T),$ statement $(1)$ is true whereas statement $(2)$ is false.