Tell if PDE boundary conditions are homogeneous or not

boundary value problemhomogeneous equationpartial differential equations

Say we have Laplace's equation:
$$\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial y^2} = 0$$

These are the boundary conditions.

enter image description here

Now, to solve this by separation of variables, we need the boundary conditions to be homogeneous.

We can apparently (according to my mark-scheme) do so by defining a new variable $u = T-T_0$.

Then, the boundary conditions become $u=0$ for $x=0, x=1, y=1$ and $T_0 \sin (2\pi x)$ for $y = 0$.

Now obviously, the first three of those are homogeneous as they are equal to 0, but the fourth BC is what I'm not so sure about. Is $u(x,0) = T_0 \sin (2\pi x)$ a homogeneous boundary condition? My understanding of a PDE having homogeneous BCs was that the function (in this case $u$) is zero at the boundaries, which isn't completely fulfilled by the fourth boundary condition.

However, the mark-scheme proceeds from here to solve by separation of variables, which leads me to wonder if I'm misunderstanding what a homogeneous boundary condition is?

Best Answer

It is enough for three of the four boundary conditions to be "homogeneous" (i.e. equal to $0$) so that separation of variables is analytically tractable for the 2D Laplace equation on a square domain. Cf. for example for more details.

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