Taylor expansion in Logistic regression

notationtaylor expansion

More of a question about notation of the Taylor expansion in Logistic regression that anything else.

Given a nonlinear cost function
J(\theta)= – \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n y_i (b+x_iw) – ln(1+e^{(b+x_iw)})

and given a Taylor expansion to approximate the cost function
f(\theta) \approx f(\theta^{(t)})+f^{\prime}(\theta^{(t)}) (\theta^{(t+1)}-\theta^{(t)})
What I want to know is if the constant term is supposed to be a derivative of the cost function
f(\theta) = \frac{d}{d\theta} J(\theta) = J^{\prime}(\theta)

or is the constant term just equal to the cost function
f(\theta) =J(\theta)

I found differing information here and here

Best Answer

In general for Taylor expansion series, the constant term should be close to the value you are trying to approximate.

Therefore, if you are trying to approximate $J(\theta^{(t+1)})$, then the first term of your expansion should take a known value of $J$, such as the $J(\theta^{(t)})$.

If you are trying to approximate $J'(\theta^{(t+1)})$, then the first term should be $J'(\theta^{(t)})$.

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