Tangent space for embedded submanifold


I was reading Lee's smooth manifold book, in page 116 there is a theorem for tangent space for embedded submanifold:

Let $S\subset M$ be embedded $k$ dimension submanifold for $n$ dimension smooth manifold $M$.so we have the smooth inclusion map $i:S\to M$

We want to show that: if $v\in T_p M$ with $vf = 0$ whenever $f|_S =0$ then $w\in T_pS$ such that $di_p(w) = v$.

Choosing slice chart $(U,\psi)$ as usual,the inclusion map $i:S\bigcap U\to M$ has coordinate representation:$i(x^1,…,x^k) = (x^1,…,x^n)$

Now I know under the standard basis $v\in T_pM$ has the form:
$$v=\left.\sum_{i=1}^{n} v^{i} \frac{\partial}{\partial x^{i}}\right|_{p}$$

$v\in T_p S$ if and only if $v^j = 0$ when $j>k$

the final step is evalute $v$ at function $f(x) = \phi(x)x^j$ at $p$ with $\phi$ a bump function support at $U$ and indentically 1 at neighborhood of $p$,here comes the question for the final step:

The questions are two:why we need to use bump function here to construct $f(x) = \phi(x)x^j$ with $j>k$ instead of using $f(x) = x^j$
directly,and why $f(x)$ vanishes on $S$?

Best Answer

Your first answer is right: with your definition, a tangent vector acts on functions defined on the whole manifold. But, since its action is local, extending a given function by the use of a bump function will still result in the wanted behaviour around the point you are watching.

Your functions $f^j=\varphi\times x^j$, $j>k$, vanishes on whole $S$, because in $U\cap S$, the coordinates $x^j$ $(j>k)$ vanishes, and outside $U$ it is $\varphi$ who does.

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