$\tan \alpha$, if $(a+2)\sin\alpha +(2a – 1)\cos\alpha =2a + 1$


I tried the following:

$$\begin{aligned}a\sin\alpha +2\sin\alpha + 2a\cos\alpha – \cos\alpha &= 2a+1\\
a(\sin\alpha +2\cos\alpha)+(2\sin\alpha-\cos\alpha)&=2a+1\end{aligned}$$

$$\sin\alpha +2 \cos\alpha=2$$
$$2\sin\alpha – \cos\alpha=1$$

From these two equations, we get



$$\tan\alpha = \frac{\sin\alpha} {\cos\alpha} = \frac{4} {3}$$

Is this a correct method to solve the question? Since $a$ is a constant, it does not seem necessary to me that its coefficients on the two sides of the equation be equal. Should I find $\sin\alpha$ and $\cos\alpha$ using some other method? Are there specific cases where this method of equating the coefficients will break?

Best Answer

The OP finds one constant root that applies for all $a$. But there is a second root for most specific values of $a$, which is a function of $a$. The full answer is $\tan\alpha\in\{4/3,2a/(a^2-1)\}$.

Properly, the given equation should be combined with the identity $\sin^2\alpha+\cos^2\alpha=1$. There are two ways to do this:

Method 1

Isolate one of the trigonometric function, square the resulting equations and substitute to get a quadratic equation for the remaining function. Choosing to isolate the cosine we then have





The quadratic equation looks like a mouthful, but its discriminant is a squared quantity, to wit $(4a^2-10a+4)^2$, thus we get the two roots


For each root of $\sin\alpha$ the previous equation with $\cos\alpha$ isolated is used to assure the proper sign of that function:

$(2a-1)\cos\alpha=(2a+1)-(a+2)(4/5); \cos\alpha=3/5$

$(2a-1)\cos\alpha=(2a+1)-(a+2)(2a/(a^2+1)); \cos\alpha=(a^2-1)/(a^2+1)$

Correspondingly $\tan\alpha\in\{4/3,2a/(a^2-1)\}$.

Thus the answer given by the OP is correct for one root that applies for all $a$, but in most cases there will be a second root for any specific value of $a$ (the only exceptions being $a=2$ where there is one doubly degenerate root instead, and $a=\pm 1$ where the second root fails to give a defined value for $\tan\alpha$; also $a=-1/2$ gives the second root with $\tan\alpha=4/3$ but different values for the sine and cosine). The existence of two roots ultimately comes from the fact that except for $\pm 1$, any value of the sine or cosine corresponds to two different arguments within any fundamental period.

Method 2

In this method, we use a trick by combining the original equation with one involving the orthogonal linear combination. To get the orthogonal combination, switch the coefficients $a+2$ and $2a-1$ and then reverse the sign before the second term.



Square both sides and add them together getting:


Thus $x=\pm\sqrt{5a^2+5-(2a+1)^2}=\pm(a-2)$. We then have a linear system to solve for $\sin\alpha$ and $\cos\alpha$ for each root of $x$. For example, $x=+(a-2)$ gives



whose solution is $\sin\alpha=4/5,\cos\alpha=3/5$. Putting $-(a-2)$ for $x$ similarly gives a linear system with solution $\sin\alpha=2a/(a^2+1),\cos\alpha=(a^2-1)/(a^2+1)$.

The remainder of the solution, and the comments that follow, are identical to Method 1.

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