Tail of increasing convergent net of self-adjoint operators is bounded


Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and $(T_\alpha)$ an increasing net of self-adjoint operators that converges (in some topology) to an operator $T$. Then $(T_\alpha)$ is not necessarily norm-bounded I think (is this correct?). Assuming that the index set is non-empty, for any $\alpha_0$ we can consider the net $(T_\alpha)_{\alpha\geq\alpha_0}$. I want to prove that this net is actually norm-bounded. I think that $T_{\alpha_0}\leq T_\alpha\leq T$ and that $$-\|T_{\alpha_0}\|\leq\|T_\alpha\|\leq\|T\|$$ for all $\alpha\geq\alpha_0$, but I don't know how to make this precise or mathematically rigorous. In particular, I just assumed $T_\alpha\leq T$, since this is natural for increasing convergent sequences of real numbers. I'm not really familiar with nets. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

"Some topology" is pretty vague, and for sure one can come up with pathologic topologies where $T$ is not even normal. But since the tag is "strong convergence", that's what I'll assume.

Indeed the net needs not be bounded. This is already true in dimension one: take $(T_\alpha)_{\alpha\in\mathbb Z}$, with $$ T_\alpha=\begin{cases} \alpha,&\ \alpha\leq 0\\[0.3cm] 1-\tfrac1\alpha,&\ \alpha>0\end{cases}. $$ Then $T_\alpha\to1$, but the net is not bounded.

Regarding the tail, indeed from $T_{\alpha_0}\leq T_\alpha\leq\|T\|$ you can deduce that the tail of the net is bounded. For this you may use that $$\tag1 \|T_\alpha\|=\sup\{\langle T_\alpha x,x\rangle:\ \|x\|=1\}. $$ From $(1)$ you see that $\|T_\alpha\|\leq\max\{\|T\|,\|T_{\alpha_0}\|\}$.

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