Symmetry, transitivity and reflexivity


I need some help on how to approach this problem. I can't seem to find any examples that help me understand this, so if anyone has an approach example to post I would be very grateful:

"Consider a relation $R$ defined on the set of integers. Determine for the following if the relation is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive: $R = \{(x, y)|x = 2y \}.$"

Best Answer

  1. is it true that for all $x \in \mathbb Z$ we have $x=2x$ ? If yes, then $R$ is reflexive, if no, then $R$ is not reflexive.

  2. suppose that $x,y \in \mathbb Z$ and $x=2y$. Does it always follow that $y=2x$ ? If yes, then $R$ is symmetric, if no, then $R$ is not symmetric.

  3. suppose that $x,y,z \in \mathbb Z$ and $x=2y$ and $y=2z.$ Does it always follow that $x=2z$ ? If yes, then $R$ is transitive, if no, then $R$ is not transitive.