Surjective linear transformation on infinite dimensional vector spaces

linear algebralinear-transformations

Let $V_1,V_2$ be two infinite-dimensional vector spaces and $\phi:V_1\to V_2$ be a linear transformation, such that $\dim\phi(U)=\dim U$, for every finite-dimensional subspace $U\subset V_1$. Is $\phi$ injective?

EDIT: I've deleted additional information, as well as my work so far because both were unnecessary, for the reasons described in the comments.

Best Answer

Let $v\in V_1$, $v\ne0$; then $\dim\langle v_1\rangle=1$ (the subspace spanned by $v$). By assumption, $\dim\phi(U)=1$, so $\phi(v)\ne0$, otherwise $\phi(U)=\{0\}$.