Surface area of twisted prism


Take a right prism whose bases are regular $n$ polygons and twist it uniformly by some angle $\phi<\pi$. This surface can be seen as the trajectories of the sides of the polygon as it translates with velocity $v_z$ and twists with constant angular frequency $\omega$. After that its sides will no
longer be planes, but rather (I think) ruled surfaces. I have two questions then:

1) What's the area of the lateral faces of the prism?

2) How to prove or disprove the lateral faces are ruled surfaces?

Edit: as suggested below, the lateral surface area should be the same.
One possible way to prove it is something like:
by analysing the twist deformation on a small patch of the surface with the top edge twisted in relation the bottom edge. One gets the top edge by evolving the bottom edge along helicoidal paths.
Here's an image with one sketch of a such twisted prism:
enter image description here

Best Answer

We need a clean parametrization of one of these twisted sides. To this end put ${\pi\over n}=:\alpha$. Then one edge of the polygon in its initial position is given by $$u\mapsto(r\cos\alpha, r\sin\alpha\> u,0)\qquad(-1\leq u\leq1)\ .$$ The twisting with angular velocity $\omega=1$ turns this edge counterclockwise and at the same time moves it in the vertical direction with a certain speed $\lambda$. It follows that we obtain a helical band with the parametric representation $${\bf r}(u,t)=\bigl(r\cos\alpha\cos t-r\sin\alpha\>u\,\sin t,\>r\cos\alpha\sin t+r\sin\alpha\>u\,\cos t,\lambda\, t\bigr)$$ whereby $-1\leq u\leq 1$ and $t\geq0$. One then has to compute $$d\pmb\omega(u,t)={\bf r}_u(u,t)\times{\bf r}_t(u,t)$$ and in the sequel the scalar surface element $${\rm d}\omega(u,t)=\bigl|d\pmb\omega(u,t)\bigr|\ .$$ This is the quantity that has to be integrated over $-1\leq u\leq1$ and $0\leq t\leq T$, whereby $T$ has to be chosen according to your specifications. The resulting integral is elementary; but in any case: The claim that the area of the side is equal to the untwisted area is wrong.

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