Surface area of n-dim hyperspherical cap idea

areabeta functionintegrationriemann-spheresurface-integrals

I want to calculate the surface area of an n-dim hyperspherical cap with radius r=1.
I found S. Li's evidence, but I don't understand his idea:
His idea is for $\Phi \leq \pi /2$:
"The area of a hypershperical cap in a n-sphere can be obtained by integrating the surface area of an (n-1)-sphere of radius $\sin (\theta)$ with arc element $d\theta$ over a great circle arc:
$A^{cap}_n=\int_{0}^{\Phi} A_{n-1}(\sin (\theta))\ \,d\theta$

with the area of an n-sphere:
$A_n(r)=\frac{2 \pi^{n/2}}{\Gamma (n/2)} r^{n-1}$

I don't have much knowledge of Ana3 so I would be happy to receive detailed answers.
Thank you very much 🙂

Best Answer

Consider the following image of concentric rings of constant width on a unit sphere: enter image description here

The area of the circular ring with radius $\theta$ (measured on a great circle arc) and width $\Delta\theta$ can be approximated by $2\pi\sin(\theta)\cdot\Delta\theta$ if $\Delta\theta$ is small. So the area of a cap with radius $\Phi$ (again, measured on a great circle arc) is equal to the integral over the area of all these rings:

$$\int_0^{\Phi} 2\pi\sin(\theta)d\theta.$$

Note that $2\pi\sin(\theta) = A_2(\sin(\theta))$ is just the measure of the circle followed by the ring.

In higher dimensions, the same approach, dividing the area of the $n$-sphere into concentric $(n-1)$-spheres, yields the general formula you found.

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