Suppose $X$ is compact and $Y$ is Hausdorff show that $f$ is a closed map


I have seen a few other proofs about this. I have written my own, and I just want to verify the error in my own logic.

The question states: Show that if $f:X\rightarrow Y$ is continuous, where $X$ is compact and $Y$ is Hausdorff, then $f$ is closed map (that is, $f$ caries closed sets to closed set).

Let $U$ be a closed set in $X.$ This implies that $U$ is compact since a closed subspace of a compact space is compact (Theorem 26.2 in Munkres). Since the image of a compact space is compact under a continuous map (by Theorem 26.5) we have that $f(U)$ is compact. Since every compact subspace of a Hausdorff space is closed (Theorem 26.3) this implies that $f(U)$ is closed. Therefore $f$ is a closed map.

I believe that the error comes from the idea that we don't know about other closed sets in $Y$. That my proof does not account for ALL closed sets in $Y$. Is this true?

Best Answer

There is no error in your proof. You do not need to know all closed subsets of $Y$, it suffices to know that compact subsets are closed.

By the way, your proof is the standard proof. I guess you found this proof as a solution to Munkres' exercise 6 in ยง26.