Suppose $n>m$, $A$ is a $m\times n $ matrix with $\operatorname{rank} A =m$, $B$ is a $n\times (n-m)$ matrix, $\operatorname{rank} B= n-m$.

linear algebra

Suppose $n>m$, $A$ is a $m\times n $ matrix with $\operatorname{rank} A =m$, $B$ is a $n\times (n-m)$ matrix, $\operatorname{rank} B= n-m$. And we already have $AB=0$. $\alpha$ is a vector satisfy $A\alpha=0$. Prove there exists a vector $\gamma$ such that $\alpha=B\gamma$.

I tried to write $A$ in terms of column vectors.
then $B$ is kind of combination of solutions to $AX=0$.
Now what we want to prove is write a solution in terms of other solution's combination. Don't know how to continue from this…

Best Answer


You don't even need to consider elements: $AB=0$ means $\;\operatorname{Im}B\subset \ker A$.

Now the rank-nullity theorem asserts that $$\dim \ker A= n -\operatorname{rank}A=n-m$$

Can you conclude?

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