Suppose all normal lines of a curve pass through a fixed point. Show that the trace is contained in a circle.


I found the following problem:

Suppose all normal lines of a curve pass through a fixed point. Show that the trace is contained in a circle.

I spent a lot of time thinking about this but couldn't find an answer. I looked for the answer in the book and it says:

Differentiate $\alpha(s)=\lambda(s) n(s)= constant$

I am a bit confused: What is $\alpha$? Up to now, the book is using $\alpha$ to name a curve but here, it's doesn't seems to be the case.

Best Answer

Let $\alpha(s)$ be a point on the curve, then there is a scaling factor $\lambda(s)$ such that the quantity:

$$ \alpha(s) + \lambda(s) n(s)=c$$

Evaluates to the constant point at each point on the curve. Differentiating both sides,

$$ \alpha'(s) + \lambda'(s) n(s) +\lambda(s) n'(s)=0$$

We know $\alpha'(s),n'(s)$ is in the direction of unit tangent vector. Dot both side with $n(s)$:

$$ \lambda'(s)=0$$

Meaning $\lambda=C$