Support of weak limit of probability measures

measure-theoryprobability theory

Let $\mu_n$ be a sequence of probability measures on a Polish space $E$ converging weakly to a probability measure $\mu$. What can we say in general about the support of $\mu$ in terms of the support of $\mu_n$?
Here the support $supp(\mu)$ of a probability measure is the intersection of all closed sets having measure $1$, i.e. in a Polish space the smallest closed set having measure $1$.

Best Answer

This question is kind of vague. In some sense the answer is "nothing". As pointed out in the comments, a sequence of absolutely continuous measures can converge to a point mass, and a sequence of purely atomic measures can converge to an absolutely continuous one. You can also have all of the supports be disjoint from each other ($\mu_n = $ a point mass at $1/n$).

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