$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac {\log(n)}{(n!)}$ Convergent using comparison test


I tried comparison test using $1/n!$ as the test series but when I use it in ratio, I get $\log(n)$ which goes to infinity which means the test series is divergent which is not true so I cannot figure out which series I can pick out that can be used in the comparison test.

Best Answer

As an alternative since eventually

$$n!\ge n^3\ge n^2\ln n$$

$$\sum_{n\ge n_0}^{ }\frac{\ln\left(n\right)}{n!}\le\sum_{n\ge n_0}^{ }\frac{\ln n}{n^2\ln n}=\sum_{n\ge n_0}^{ }\frac{1}{n^2}$$

which converges.

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