$\sum_{i<j} (L_j-L_i) x_ix_j \leq 0$ for $\sum_i x_i=0$


Let $x_1,\ldots, x_n$ be integers that satisfies $\sum_{i=1}^n x_i = 0$. Also, let $0<L_1<\cdots<L_n$ be given.

Question: Is $\sum_{i<j} (L_j-L_i) x_ix_j \leq 0$?

Motivation: This question is motivated from physics. To show that certain two models are equivalent by "power counting" method, the problem reduces to proving the above inequality.

My trial:

  1. We have $\sum_{i\neq j} x_ix_j = -\frac12 \sum_i x_i^2 \leq 0$. However, the problem is that we have weights $L_j-L_i$, which makes the problem nontrivial.

  2. Letting $u_j = L_{j+1}-L_j$, the above inequality becomes $\sum_{i<j} (u_{i+1}+\cdots u_j) x_ix_j \leq 0$.

  3. $\sum_{i<j} (L_j-L_i) x_ix_j = \frac12 \sum_{i\neq j} |L_j-L_i| x_ix_j$.

Best Answer

Yes, this is true (and there is no need to assume that the $x_j$ are integers). This is Exmaple 3.5 in Wells, Williams. Embeddings and extensions in analysis. The proof relies on the integral representation $$ |x|=\frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^\infty\frac{\sin^2(xu)}{u^2}\,du. $$ With the trigonometric identity $$ \sin^2((L_j-L_i)u)=\sin^2(L_i u)+\sin^2(L_j u)-2\sin^2(L_i u)\sin^2(L_j u)-\frac 1 2 \sin(2L_i u)\sin(2L_j u) $$ one obtains \begin{align*} \sum_{i,j}\sin^2((L_i-L_j)u)x_i x_j&=2\sum_i\sin^2(L_i u)x_i\sum_j x_j-\left(2\sum_i\sin^2(L_i u)x_i\right)^2-\frac 12\left(\sum_i \sin(2L_i u)x_i\right)^2\\ &=-\left(2\sum_i\sin^2(L_i u)x_i\right)^2-\frac 12\left(\sum_i \sin(2L_i u)x_i\right)^2. \end{align*} Thus \begin{align*} \sum_{i,j}|L_i-L_j|x_ix_j=-\frac 2 \pi\int_0^\infty u^{-2}\left(\left(2\sum_i\sin^2(L_i u)x_i\right)^2+\frac 12\left(\sum_i \sin(2L_i u)x_i\right)^2\right)\,du\leq 0. \end{align*}

Edit: I should add that functions $\Phi\colon E\times E\to\mathbb R$ that are symmetric, vanish on the diagonal and satisfy $$ \sum_{j,k}\Phi(e_j,e_k)x_j x_k\leq 0 $$ whenever $\sum_j x_j=0$ are called conditionally negative definite. They are closely related to the question when a metric space can be isometrically embedded into a Hilbert space: A function $\Phi\colon E\times E\to\mathbb R_+$ is conditionally of negative type if and only if $\Phi^{1/2}$ is a metric and $(E,\Phi^{1/2})$ embeds isometrically into a Hilbert space. This result can be found in the book cited above.