Sum of Two Infinitesimals being Infinitesimal


Any hyperreal number greater than 0 and smaller than all positive real numbers is infinitesimal.
We know the sum of two infinitesimals is infinitesimal.
Let $A$ be the smallest positive real number.
Let $dx$ be an infinitesimal.
$(A – dx)$ is an infinitesimal as it is less than all positive real numbers

$(A – dx) + dx$ is the sum of two infinitesimals, which under non standard analysis, is infinitesimal.
However, I thought that non standard algebra followed the rules of standard algebra, so shouldn't the sum $(A – dx) + dx$ be $A$, a standard real number, and not an infinitesimal? Is there a way around this contradiction? Thanks

Edit: Fixed equation formatting

Best Answer

Okay, thanks guys, so the answer is that $A$ cannot be assumed to exist because it doesn't, as there is always a smaller real number

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