Sum of two Cosine functions is periodic.

periodic functionstrigonometry

I wish to show that the sum of two cosine functions $\cos(a_{1}x+b_{1})$ and $\cos(a_{2}x+b_{2})$ is periodic ($a_{1},a_{2}\neq0$) where both functions are non-zero with their sum also being non-zero.

Well I know this statement itself is incorrect but I wish to specify that periods of both functions are of course rationals and are given by $\displaystyle T_{1}=\frac{2k\pi}{a_{1}}$ for an integer $k$ and $\displaystyle T_{2}=\frac{2n\pi}{a_{2}}$ for an integer $n$. Well, summing their periods would result in :

I believe to complete this proof, I must state something about $ka_{2}+na_{1}$ I would hope if someone could assist me on this proof.

Best Answer

All you need is for the ratio $\ \frac{a_1}{a_2}\ $ to be rational. If $\ \frac{a_1}{a_2}=\frac{k_1}{k_2}\ $, where $\ k_1,k_2\ $ are relatively prime integers, then $$ T=\frac{2\pi k_1}{a_1}=\frac{2\pi k_2}{a_2}\\ $$ is a period of both $\ \cos\big(a_1x+b_1\big)\ $ and $\ \cos\big(a_2x+b_2\big)\ $, and hence a period of $\ \cos\big(a_1x+b_1\big)+\cos\big(a_2x+b_2\big)\ $: \begin{align} \cos\big(a_1(x+nT)&+b_1\big)+\cos\big(a_2(x+nT)+b_2\big)\\ &=\cos\left(a_1\left(x+\frac{2\pi nk_1}{a_1}\right)+b_1\right)+\\ &\hspace{6em}\cos\left(a_2\left(x+\frac{2\pi nk_2}{a_2}\right)+b_2\right)\\ &=\cos\big(a_1x+b_1+2\pi nk_1\big)+\cos\big(a_2x+b_2+2\pi nk_2\big)\\ &=\cos\big(a_1x+b_1\big)+\cos\big(a_2x+b_2\big) \end{align}

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