Sum of three weighted logarithms with three different bases is equal to an integer


Let $a, b$ and $c$ be real numbers, each greater than $1$, such that
\log_b (a) +
(b) +
(c) = 3$$
If the value of $b$ is $9$, then the value of $a$ must be

Source: ISI BMath UGA 2017

I'm not very familiar on how to solve questions relating to logarithms of the above sort, but I started with the base change rule: $ \log_c (b) = \frac{1}{\log_b(c)}$, $ \log_a (c) = \frac{\log_b (c)}{\log_b(a)}$, $b=9$, plugging the information in:

$$ \frac23 \log_9 (a) + \frac35 \frac{1}{\log_9(c)} + \frac52 \frac{\log_9(c)}{\log_9(a)}=3 \tag{1}$$

Making the denominator as one:

$$ \frac23 \log_9(a)^2 \log_9(c) + \frac35 \log_9 (a) + \frac52 \log_9 (a) \log_9(c)^2 = \log_9(c) \log_9(a)$$

This doesn't seem the way to go.

Observation: The product of coefficient in the lhs of equation-(1) is just one.

I thought maybe if I cube both sides then there will be a term of one on the LHS .. but the rest of the expressions is quite ugly, so it doesn't seem to be of much help.

Best Answer

\begin{align*} \frac23\frac{\log a}{\log b}+\frac35\frac{\log b}{\log c}+\frac52\frac{\log c}{\log a}\ge3\left(\frac23\frac{\log a}{\log b}\cdot\frac35\frac{\log b}{\log c}\cdot\frac52 \frac{\log c}{\log a}\right)^\frac13=3 \end{align*}

with the equality holds if and only if $\displaystyle \frac23\frac{\log a}{\log b}=\frac35\frac{\log b}{\log c}=\frac52\frac{\log c}{\log a}$

So, $a=27$.