Sum involving Laguerre polynomials

calculusquantum mechanicsspecial functions

I am trying to prove the following equality:

where $L_n^{(\alpha)}(x)$ denotes an associated Laguerre polynomial. I am not even confident of its correctness, as tests with Mathematica are inconsistent with the result. In any case, what is behind the idea of the author? In particular, I can't understand how to pass from a sum till $\min(m,n)$ to a sum to an upper or equal value $\max(m,n)$, as this is the boundary of the corresponding series expansion of the associated Laguerre polynomials
L_n^{(\alpha)}(x)=\sum_{i=0}^n \binom{n+\alpha}{n-i}\frac {x^i}{i!}

The expression appears in eqn. (5.16) at page 457 of the paper I'm reading [Physica 12, 405 (1946); eprint] (please note that the author himself slips in the denomination of the Laguerre polynomials, referring to them as "Legendre").

The only relation that came to my mind that could help the issue is
(-x)^i\frac 1 {i!}L_j^{(i-j)}(x)=(-x)^j\frac 1 {j!}L_i^{(j-i)}(x)

in combination with $\min(m,n)= \max(m,n)-|m-n|$.

Best Answer

I am not even confident of its correctness, as tests with Mathematica are inconsistent with the result.

Then those tests are sufficient to show that the result is wrong, and there's nothing else to say there.

In particular, I can't understand how to pass from a sum till $\min(m,n)$ to a sum to an upper or equal value $\max(m,n)$

You can't. The degree of the polynomial on the left is different to that on the right whenever $n\neq m$.

The expression appears in eqn. (5.16) at page 457 of the paper I'm reading [Physica 12, 405 (1946); eprint]

Then the paper is wrong, at least as regards this particular result. From a cursory reading of the subsequent text, it doesn't seem to be crucial to the rest of the arguments presented, so you should be able to fix any problems with it, if you really need to.