Sufficient conditions for a scheme to be integral


Suppose $X$ is a scheme and we have an open affine cover {$\operatorname{Spec} A_i$} of $X$, such that each $A_i$ is integral domain. Also we have that any intersection of $\operatorname{Spec} A_i$ with $\operatorname{Spec} A_j$ is non empty. Can we say that $X$ is integral scheme?

If not, any counter example? What other conditions do I need to make sure $X$ is integral?

Best Answer

Yes, that's sufficient. Being reduced is a local property; you can check it on the stalk at each point, or on any affine open covering. (This is a good exercise in sheaf theory; this answer gives a hint on how to prove it.) That your hypotheses are sufficient for irreducibility is proved in Stacks Project, Lemma 28.3.3 (tag 01OM). Since a scheme is integral iff it's reduced and irreducible, this proves what you want.

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