Subwords of the Thue-Morse Sequence


In addition to Complexity of Thue-Morse Sequence, I have the following question:

Has anyone found a characterization for subwords of Thue–Morse sequence? I.e., for a given binary word, can I (easily for some definition of easy) decide whether it is a subword of the Thue–Morse sequence or not?
Any references (in addition to Brlek and de Luca–Varricchio) are very welcome!

Best Answer

If you want an algorithm then here it is: the Prouhet-Morse-Thue sequence is given by the iteration of the map $1\mapsto 10, 0\mapsto 01$ starting with $1$. If you want to check if a word $w$ is a subword of the sequence, start with $1$ and iterate the map sufficient number of times. The sequence is uniformly recurrent (Morse), so "sufficient" is not large, at most $|w|$ in this case because every subword $U$ of length $2^{n}$ contains all subwords of length $n$. I am sure that the $2^n$ bound can be made polynomial and that the original problem is in $P$.

Edit. In fact by Theorem 8.2 in Morse, Marston; Hedlund, Gustav A. Symbolic Dynamics. Amer. J. Math. 60 (1938), no. 4, 815–866 one can replace $2^n$ above by $10n$ and so the number of iterations needed is $O(\log n)$ and the time complexity of the problem is $O(n^2)$ (or $O(n)$ depending on the mode of computation).

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