Substituting $x$ with $\sin\theta$ during integration


$\int x^2 \sqrt{1-x^2}dx =?$

I know how to solve this math but am facing a conceptual confusion.

If we substitute $x$ with $\sin\theta$ we can simply solve this problem but my confusion lies in the part $\sqrt{1-x^2}$. Putting $x=\sin\theta$ we can show this equals $\cos\theta$. But why is it $\cos\theta$ instead of $\pm\cos\theta$?. Why are we only considering the principal values of $\theta$? Why are we just simply pulling of any substituent of $x$ and restricting their values? How is it not violating any identity?

Pardon me for asking such type of question in this forum.

Using second approach as shown by sir Jose Carlos Santos I solved the integral in the following way.

$x=\sin\theta => dx=\cos\theta d\theta$

$\int{x^2\sqrt{1-x^2} dx} $
$=\int{\sin^2\theta (-\cos\theta) \cos\theta d\theta} $
$= -\frac1 8 \int{(1-\cos4\theta) d\theta}$
$=-\frac1 8 [1-4\sin\theta\cos\theta(1-2\sin^2\theta)]+c $
$= -\frac 1 8 [\arcsin(x)+x\sqrt{1-x^2}(1-2x^2)]+c $

Where did I do wrong? There shouldn't have been a negative sign before $\arcsin(x)$

Best Answer

Since $x\in[-1,1]$, then, in order to be able to apply the substitution $x=\sin(\theta)$, you must fix some interval $[a,b]$ such that the restriction of $\sin$ to $[a,b]$ is a bijection from $[a,b]$ onto $[-1,1]$. If, say $[a,b]=\left[-\frac\pi2,\frac\pi2\right]$, then$$\cos\theta\geqslant0\implies\sqrt{1-\sin^2\theta}=\cos\theta.$$And if, say, $[a,b]=\left[\frac\pi2,\frac{3\pi}2\right]$, then$$\cos\theta\leqslant0\implies\sqrt{1-\sin^2\theta}=-\cos\theta.$$And both approaches will lead you to the same answer.

In fact, if you do it according to the first approach, what you get is\begin{align}\int\sin^2(\theta)\cos^2(\theta)\,\mathrm d\theta&=\frac14\int\sin^2(2\theta)\,\mathrm d\theta\\&=\frac14\int\frac{1-\cos(4\theta)}2\,\mathrm d\theta\\&=\frac18\int1-\cos(4\theta)\,\mathrm d\theta\\&=\frac\theta8-\frac1{32}\sin(4\theta)\\&=\frac\theta8-\frac1{16}\sin(2\theta)\cos(2\theta)\\&=\frac\theta8-\frac18\left(\sin(\theta)\cos(\theta)\left(1-2\sin^2(\theta)\right)\right)\\&=\frac18\left(\arcsin(x)+x\sqrt{1-x^2}(2x^2-1)\right),\end{align}since $\cos(\theta)=\sqrt{1-\sin^2(\theta)}=\sqrt{1-x^2}$.

What changes now if we use the second approach? In the first place, what we have to compute now is $\displaystyle-\int\sin^2(\theta)\cos^2(\theta)\,\mathrm d\theta$. But now, since $\theta\in\left[\frac\pi2,\frac{3\pi}2\right]$, from $x=\sin(\theta)$, what we get is that $\theta=\pi-\arcsin(x)$ and that $\cos(\theta)=-\sqrt{1-\sin^2(\theta)}=-\sqrt{1-x^2}$. So, in this case we get\begin{align}-\int\sin^2(\theta)\cos^2(\theta)\,\mathrm d\theta&=-\frac18\left(\frac\pi2-\arcsin(x)-x\sqrt{1-x^2}(2x^2-1)\right)\\&=\frac18\left(\arcsin(x)-\frac\pi2+x\sqrt{1-x^2}(2x^2-1)\right),\end{align}which differs from the previous answer by a constant. Therefore, it is in fact the same answer.