Subset of a first category set (Baire’s category)


I'm trying to prove that any subset of a first category set is of first category.

I would like to know if my proof is correct and if there are easier way to prove it. Any check is thankfully appreciated.

Here my reasoning:
Let $A$ be a first category set, and $\{A_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ a sequence of nowhere dense sets such that their (countable) union generates $A$.
If $B$ is a subset of $A$, then exist a subsequence $\{A_{n_j}\}_{j \in \mathbb{N}}$ and a set $A_{\overline{n}}$ such that:
\bigcup_{j} A_{n_j} \subseteq B \subseteq \bigcup_{j} A_{n_j} \cup A_{\overline{n}}

Let $E =B \setminus \bigcup_{j} A_{n_j}$. We therefore get $\, E \subseteq A_{\overline{n}} \,$, so that $E\,$ is nowhere dense as $A_{\overline{n}}$ is.
We can finally write:
B = \bigcup_{j} A_{n_j} \cup E

Where $E$ and every $A_{n_j}$ are nowhere dense.

Best Answer

Perhaps, an easier proof is consider the family $\{A_n\cap B\}_{n\in\omega}$. The sets $A_n\cap B$ are closed, (without lost of generality we can assume that each $A_n$ is closed) with empty interior (in the subespace topology) and $B=\bigcup_{n\in\omega}B\cap A_n$.