Subobject classifier why is it defined as incoming information


I have a question out of my curiosity essentially about the intuition of sub-object classifier.

Sub-objects of object $A$ is defined to be one to one correspondence with morphisms $A \rightarrow \Omega$ for some special $\Omega$ in category $\mathcal{C}$. In set this subobject classifier is easily checked to be $\{0,1\}$.

I have a question though. I have some ideas based on discussions though would like to know more about this. How come it is outgoing information from $A$ to $\{0,1\}$? We know that category is same information as its opposite category. So shouldn't we able to define also sub-objects classifiers as $\Omega \rightarrow A$ as well?

Though this is definitely not the case in $\mathbf{Set}$. I would like to know more why is this not the case.

Best Answer

Short version:

The definition of the subobject classifier can be succinctly stated as "$\Omega$ represents the subobject functor". Since the subobject functor is contravariant, the universal property of $\Omega$ must be given in terms of maps into $\Omega$.

Long version:

For any (well-powered, for size reasons) category $C$, and any object $X$ in $C$, write $\mathrm{Sub}(X)$ for the set of subobjects of $X$ (the monic arrows into $X$, up to isomorphism over $X$). We can turn $\text{Sub}$ into a functor by defining its action on morphisms. Here the most natural choice is to make $\text{Sub}$ contravariant, i.e. into a functor $C^{\text{op}}\to \mathsf{Set}$. Why? Well, given an arrow $f\colon X\to Y$ and a subobject $i\colon S\hookrightarrow Y$, we can pull back $i$ along $f$ to get a subobject $S\times_Y X\hookrightarrow X$. In the category $\mathsf{Set}$, this is exactly the preimage operation.

Now $C$ has a subobject classifier exactly when the functor $\text{Sub}$ is representable. This means there is an object $\Omega$ and a natural isomorphism $\text{Sub}(-)\cong \text{Hom}(-,\Omega)$. The fact that $\text{Sub}$ is a contravariant functor on $C$ means that we have to use the contravariant Hom functor $\text{Hom}(-,\Omega)$ (instead of the covariant Hom functor $\text{Hom}(\Omega,-)$), and thus subobjects of $X$ are classified by arrows $X\to \Omega$.

At this point you might ask if we could turn $\text{Sub}$ into a covariant functor instead. After all, given an arrow $f\colon X\to Y$ in $\mathsf{Set}$, there is a natural way to turn a subobject of $X$ into a subobject of $Y$: take its image along $f$. Well, this idea only works in a category with a natural notion of "images" of subobjects under arbitrary arrows, e.g. a regular category or an adhesive category. But indeed there are categories where we can make $\text{Sub}$ into a covariant functor.

However, even if we can make $\text{Sub}$ into a covariant functor, we should not typically expect it to be representable. This is because representable functors preserve limits, and the subobject functor rarely preserves limits.

For example, writing $\text{Sub}$ for the covariant subobject functor, if there is an object $\Omega$ such that $\text{Sub}(-)\cong \text{Hom}(\Omega,-)$, then for any product $X\times Y$ in $C$, we have $$\text{Sub}(X\times Y)\cong \text{Hom}(\Omega,X\times Y)\cong \text{Hom}(\Omega,X)\times \text{Hom}(\Omega,Y)\cong \text{Sub}(X)\times \text{Sub}(Y).$$ I hope it's clear that this property is not true in $\mathsf{Set}$ or any other familiar categories (the only natural categories I can think of in which this is true are preorders).

It's much more natural to ask the contravariant subobject functor to be representable. Here, preserving limits means turning colimits in $C$ (limits in $C^{\text{op}}$) into limits in $\mathsf{Set}$. So for example we should have $\text{Sub}(X\sqcup Y)\cong \text{Sub}(X)\times \text{Sub}(Y)$. In $\mathsf{Set}$, this says that picking a subobject of a disjoint union of $X$ and $Y$ is the same as picking a subobject of $X$ and a subobject of $Y$.