Studying set theory using polynomials


I came up with a way to do set theory using polynomial arthimetic.

To explain, consider two polynomials $P(x)$ and $Q(x)$, then we can observe the following analogies:

1. In Polynomial addition

$$ |P(x)|+|Q(x)|$$

Is analogous to set intersection of sets because the above equation is only true for $x$ values which make both $P$ and $Q$ zero at the same time.

2. In Polynomial multiplication

$$|P(x)| \cdot |Q(x)|$$

Can be thought of as set union because the above equation is true for the numbers which satisfy either $P$ or $Q$

3. In polynomial division

$$ \frac{|P|}{|Q|} $$

The above expression can be thought of a set difference, we remove the zeros of Q which exist also in P.

Analogies to set complements:

Polynomial reciprocal is similar to set inverses, for example

$$ |P(x)^{-1}| = \frac{1}{|P(x)|}$$

Is defined for all values of $x$ except where $P(x)=0$ where it is undefined. To get the whole universal set back, we multiply inverse with regular one:

$$|P(x)| \cdot \frac{1}{|P(x)| }=1$$

Proving set identities using polynomials

  1. $ A \cup (B \cup C)= (A \cup B) \cup C$

This is directly analogous to associativity of polynomial multiplication , considering three polynomials $P,Q,R$:

$$ ( |P| \cdot |Q|) |R| = |P|( |Q| \cdot |R|)$$

  1. $A \cup B = B \cup A, A \cap B , B \cap A$

This is directly analogous to communality of polynomial multiplication.

Demorgan's laws

  1. $$ A^c \cup B^c = (A \cup B)^c$$

Easy relation to understand with polynomial way, consider two polynomials $P(x),Q(x)$, then it is trivial that:

$$ \frac{1}{|P|} \cdot \frac{1}{|Q|} = (|PQ|)^{-1}$$

  1. $$ (A \cap B)^c= A^c \cup B^c$$

This one just turns out weird, but it works well for most identities where there isn't addition and multiplication on both sides

My question: Has this idea been studied before? Where there any new insights from thinking of sets like this?

[Note: I know of generating functions already]

Best Answer

A rather elaborate theory related to this was worked out over a period of several decades by the Russian mathematician Vladimir Logvinovich Rvachev (1926-2006) (biography), called called $R$-functions. See Semi-analytic geometry with R-functions by Vadim Shapiro (2007; footnote on p. 3 discusses the origin of the name "R-function").

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