Study the complex number $z = \left( \frac{\sqrt{3} – i}{1 + i} \right) ^ {12}$.

complex numberstrigonometry

I am given the complex number:

$$z = \bigg ( \dfrac{\sqrt{3} – i}{1 + i} \bigg ) ^ {12}$$

And I have to choose a true description of this number. Only one of the following descriptions is true:

A. $z = 2^6$

B. $\arg(z) = \pi$

C. $|z| = 2 ^ {12}$

D. $z = 64i$

E $\arg(z) = 2 \pi$

My problem is that I can't manipulate the number $z$ such that I can use DeMoivre's formula on $z$. This is as far as I got:

$$z =
\bigg ( \dfrac{\sqrt{3} – i} {1 + i} \bigg ) ^ {12} =
\bigg ( \dfrac{(\sqrt{3} – i) (1 – i)} {1 – i^2} \bigg ) ^ {12} =
\bigg ( \dfrac{\sqrt{3} – \sqrt{3}i – i + i^2} {2} \bigg ) ^ {12} =$$

$$ = \bigg ( \dfrac{\sqrt{3} – 1 – (\sqrt{3} + 1)i} {2} \bigg ) ^ {12}
= \bigg ( \dfrac{\sqrt{3} – 1} {2} + \dfrac{-(\sqrt{3} + 1)}{2} \bigg ) ^ {12}$$

And this is where I got stuck. I know that I need to get $z$ in a form that looks something like this:

$$z = (\cos \theta + i \sin \theta) ^ {12}$$

But I can't find an angle whose cosine equals $\dfrac{\sqrt{3} – 1}{2}$ and whose sine equals $\dfrac{-(\sqrt{3} + 1)}{2}$. So how can find the following:

$$\cos \hspace{.1cm} ? = \dfrac{\sqrt{3} – 1}{2}$$

$$\sin \hspace{.1cm} ? = \dfrac{-(\sqrt{3} + 1)}{2}$$

Best Answer

The key insight is to recognize roots of unity in the expression.

Let $a=1+i$, $b=\sqrt{3}-i$. Let $A=a/\sqrt 2$, $B=b/2$.

Then $A^4=-1$, $B^6=-1$, and so $$ z=\frac{b^{12}}{a^{12}} =\frac{2^{12} B^{12}}{2^6 A^{12}} =-2^{6} $$

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