Strong induction – prove that $n \le 3^\frac{n}3$ for every integer $n \ge 0$.

discrete mathematicsinduction

This question was asked somewhere else, but I am having trouble with the algebra in the inductive step. And if you don't mind, let me know if anything else seems blatantly wrong as well.

So far I have :

Assume the predicate $P(n)$, where $n \le 3^\frac{n}3$. We will prove this is true for every $n\ge 0$ via strong induction.
$P(0)= 0 \le 1$, $P(1)= 1\le 3^\frac13$, $P(2)= 2\le3^\frac23$, $P(3)= 3=3$ holds for first four numbers

Inductive Step:
Let $n=k$. Assume that $P(k)$ is true where $k$ is $3 \le i \le k$ and $i$ being some integer less than $k$. We will prove this also holds for the $k+1$ case:
$4 + 5 + … + k + (k+1) \le 3^\frac{k+1}3$.

Using algebra:
$-(k+1) \le 3^\frac13 * 3^\frac{k}3$
$-3^{-\frac13}*(k+1) \le 3^\frac{k}3$
$-3^{-\frac13}*(k+1) \le k$ (substituting $P(k)$ back in)
stuck here…

Best Answer

Assume you know it is true up to $k$. For $k \ge 4$ we have $$3^{\frac {k+1}3}=3\cdot 3^{\frac {k-2}3}\ge 3\cdot (k-2)\gt k+1$$