Strong Induction on Two Variables


I know that for proving some $P(m,n)$ we can apply induction as follows: prove some base case $P(m_0, n_0)$, an inductive step given $P(m-1,n)$ to show $P(m,n)$, and an inductive step given $P(m,n-1)$ to show $P(m,n)$. However in a proof I am working on I need a stronger hypothesis. In particular, in order to show $P(m,n)$ given $P(m-1,n)$ I also need to assume that $P(m-1,n-k)$ holds for $1\leq k\leq n$ too, a strong induction of sorts. Is this logically sound, and if not what is the issue with it? If it is sound, how much stronger can we get?

Best Answer

One way to do this is to prove $P(1,n)$ for all values of $n\geq1$. Then make the induction hypothesis that for some $m>1$, $P(m,n)$ is true for all values of $n\geq1$, and prove that $P(m+1,n)$ is true for all values of $n\geq1$. This proves that that $P(m,n)$ is true for $m\geq1$ and all values of $m$. In proving that $P(m+1,n)$ is true for all $m,n\geq1$, you are, of course, free to use any sort of induction you choose.