Strictly convex linear programming

duality-theoremslinear programming

Consider the following linear programming
(1) \quad \min_{x\geq 0} a^\top x,\\
\quad \quad \quad \text{s.t. }B^\top x=c

Consider the dual of (1)
(2) \quad \max_{y} c^\top y,\\
\quad \quad \quad \text{s.t. } By \leq a

Suppose we impose the linear independence constraint qualification (LICQ) to (2). LIQC states that, for each $y\in \{y\in \mathbb{R}^k: By\leq a\}$, it holds that
\text{The vectors } \{\nabla (B_qy-a_q)\}_{q\in \Gamma(y)} \text{ are linearly independent}

where $\Gamma(y)\equiv \{q\in \mathbb{N}: 1\leq q \leq p\text{ and } B_qy-a_q=0\} $, $p$ is the number of inequality constraints in (2), $B_qy-a_q\leq 0$ is the $q$-th inequality constriant in (2).

Question: I've read that imposing LIQC means imposing that (1) has a unique argmax $x^*$. Is this correct? Does it ensure that also (2) has a unique argmin $y^*$?

Another way to ensure that (1) and (2) have unique solutions could be to add a strictly convex penalty term to (2)
(3) \quad \max_{y} c^\top y + \epsilon ||y||_2,\\
\quad \quad \quad \text{s.t. } By \leq a

with $\epsilon >0$ but small, so that the primal becomes
(4) \quad \min_{x\geq 0} a^\top x,\\
\quad \quad \quad \text{s.t. }||B^\top x-c||_2\leq \epsilon

What is the relation between my solution to ensure uniqueness and LIQC? Do they achieve the same objective?

Best Answer

Yes, that is correct, but it does not mean that $y^*$ is unique. If $y^*$ is optimal for the dual and satisfies the LICQ (so the LICQ only needs to hold for $y$), then there is a unique corresponding primal solution $x^*$. This follows directly from complementary slackness, i.e., when constraint $i$ in the dual is not binding, $x_i=0$, so the $x_i$ that can be nonzero are uniquely determined by $B^Tx = c$. This only shows that for each $y^*$ there is a corresponding unique $x^*$, so is it possible that two different $y^*$ give rise to different $x^*$? The answer is no, because every optimal $x^*$ satisfies strong duality and therefore complementary slackness (the equivalence between complementary slackness and strong duality is well known and easy to derive: $a^Tx = c^Ty$, so $a^Tx = (B^Tx)^Ty$, so $x^T(a-By)=0$). So each $y^*$ has the same set of optimal $x^*$ and vice versa.

The penalty term ensures that (3) has a unique solution (if the problem is not unbounded!) but not that (4) has a unique solution (what if $a=0$?). Problem (4) satisfies the LICQ: there is only one constraint and the derivative exists and is nonzero as long as $B^Tx - c \neq 0$.

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