Strange result on the nilradical $N(R)$ of a ring


I am studying about the nilradical $N(R)$ of a unital ring $R$. In my notes, the nilradical of a $R$ is defined as the sum of all nilpotent ideals of $R$.

It says, that $N(R)$ is always a nil ideal, but not a nilpotent.

But there is a lemma that it says that the sum of nilpotent ideals is also a nilpotent ideal. Thus, according to this, $N(R)$ should always be nilpotent ideal.

What do I miss?

Best Answer

The sum of two (or finitely many) nilpotent ideals is nilpotent. However, infinite sums of nilpotent ideals are not necessarily nilpotent.

Consider, however, the ring $$ \Bbb R[x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots]/(x_1,x_2^2,x_3^3,\ldots) $$ Here the nilradical $(x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots)$ is indeed nil but not nilpotent.

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