Strange form of the chain rule I keep seeing in differential geometry material

chain rulemultivariable-calculuspartial derivative

Since I've started reading up on differential geometry I keep coming across something that's bothering me, which is the chain rule. The standard chain rule from calculus is

\frac{df}{dt}(g(t)) = f'(g(t))\cdot \frac{dg}{dt}(t),
which I could also write as
\frac{d f}{dt}(g(t)) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial g(t)}(g(t))\cdot \frac{dg}{dt}(t). \quad \quad (1)

Now when I'm reading these differential geometry texts I keep seeing the following strange approach to the chain rule (I'll stay in 1 dimension for simplicity). The function $g$ is specified explicitly and in the simplest case it could be $g(t) = tx$. Then the chain rule is always given as

\frac{d f}{dt}(tx) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(tx) \frac{d (tx)}{dt}.

Replacing $tx$ by $g(t)$ (so we can compare it with the usual chain rule above) we have
\frac{d}{dt}f(g(t)) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial \color{red}{ \textbf{x}}}(g(t)) \cdot \frac{dg}{dt}(t), \quad \quad (2)
where I have highlighted the problematic issue. Why have we $x$ in the denominator here instead of $g(t)$ as in the standard chain rule in (1) above?

Some places, among many others, where I have seen this are:

  1. nLab – Hadamard lemma
  2. Second answer in this tread
  3. The book Introduction to Manifolds by Loring Tu.

So what is going on, is this some 'convention' in which this $x$ actually refers to $g(t) = tx$ or have I misinterpreted something and does the chain rule in (2) somehow agree with the standard chain rule (1)?

Best Answer

I think we cleared most things up in the comments: in Leibniz notation, and to be very precise, one should write something like

$$ \frac{d(f \circ g)}{dt}(t) = \frac{df}{dx}(g(t)) \frac{dg}{dt}(t).$$

One will often see shorthand forms like $\frac{d}{dt}f(g(t))$ for the left-hand side, but that should never be written as $\frac{df}{dt}(g(t))$.

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