Stone-Weierstrass theorem for $C(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R}^m)$


By the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, we know that any $X$ compact with $A\subseteq C(X,\mathbb{R})$ subalgebra, we know that $A$ is then dense. However, is it true for the case where we have $\mathbb{R}^m$ instead of $\mathbb{R}$? For example, is it true that the set of polynomials from $X\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ to $Y\subseteq \mathbb{R}^m$ dense in the set $C(X,Y)$?

Best Answer

Hint: There is an obvious homeomorphism

$$h : C(X,\mathbb R^m) \to C(X, \mathbb R)^m ,$$ where $C(X, \mathbb R)^m$ is the product of $m$ copies of $C(X, \mathbb R)$. Thus each dense subset $D \subset C(X, \mathbb R)$ gives a dense subset $h^{-1}(D^m)$ of $C(X,\mathbb R^m)$.

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